Monday 30 January 2012

Get The Bus And Save Money At The Pumps

There happens to be one very straightforward solution to spending less money on gasoline and that is by not driving. However, this is something many people won't do because of the convenience they lose. While there might be a bus running right to where they are going, most people aren't that thrilled with riding with a bunch of strangers. Sharing rides is another option that people are not willing to take advantage of. Nobody really should be at fault for their personal preferences, but for anyone truly serious about cutting fuel costs, public transportation is an option.

Fuel prices are continuing to rise and it doesn't appear like it will ever go back down. The options are to continue driving and having to pay the high prices, or find ways to cut back on driving so much. Since you don't have any power over the price of gas, you need to find other ways to save on gas. You can try several things to conserve energy, or boost the fuel efficiency of your car, but nothing will save you more money than not driving at all.
I guess I'm not the only one who's feeling the squeeze at the soaring cost of petrol at the pumps. So what can we do about it? There are no new solutions here, but often the old ways are the best. Public transport is simply far better than it used to be, and is something you should consider to keep costs down.

As you would expect, when the car is not running, it's not using gas. It really is a good enough reason to consider selecting public transportation. It doesn't work for everyone, because the local bus doesn't go where you are going, but that doesn't mean it can't work sometimes. Should you go shopping or some other activity, the bus just might get you there. In the event more people utilized public transportation, additional routes could be added. By not driving a few days per week, you'll see the savings almost immediately.

While there may not have been much benefit in the past, using public transportation today is probably a good idea. Before, most people who could not afford a car used public transportation however nowadays you can use it as a way to save money and protect the environment. There has not been a better opportunity to get cars and trucks off of the roads.

You might only envision what would happen if all of us stopped driving at least once a week. Folks could either walk, choose public transportation or simply stay home. Besides helping the environment, the money you'll save could be used for other things to enjoy. Taking advantage of the bus is something worth considering.

Of course, if the campaign for free public transport is ever successful, that would be better still! Here's a trailer if you want to give them your support...

Saturday 28 January 2012

An Introduction

OK so let's just have a brief first post to introduce my new blog. Essentially, I'm looking for ways of saving money in everyday life, either around the home, in the car, at the supermarket - whatever. The way the economy is these days, we all need to look after the pennies and so any advice and tips I can come up with (or any I find elsewhere) I will be sharing them here.

Also if I come across any ways to make some extra cash, either online or in the "real world" then I think they are worth passing on as well.

I hope you like the blog, and if you do, please bookmark me and share the link with your friends. Also if you have any tips of your own please get in touch or leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you. At least that means I'm not just talking to myself here!