Monday 6 February 2012

Can Efficiency Products Really Save On Your Fuel Bills?

In my continuing quest to reduce fuel bills, today I want to look at fuel efficiency products. These are those additives you can buy in stores that say they will improve your fuel efficiency and thus help you save money by getting more miles to the gallon. What exactly are these products, and do they really work? Not all drivers are smart about what they do in trying to increase their gas mileage. Many buy any item that claims to boost gas mileage, even if there is no proof that it does. There appears to be many companies making these claims and simply stealing people's money.

With a great number of these products on the market, one has to wonder if any of them work at all. It can be pretty effortless to get sucked into buying some of these products with the claims they make. The question one has to ask is are they going to work and is there hard evidence to show for?

Can these vendors demonstrate their claims or is the Environmental Protection Agency right when they say none of the products they have tested, increase gas mileage? This powerful federal agency has not certified any one of these products as helping to improve fuel economy. You'll find individuals who use these products and swear that they work for them, but like any product, some people believe they are great, and other people believe they are a rip off. Simply because there isn't any proof that they work, with concrete evidence by an unbiased party, doesn't mean that they don't work for some people.

Now you ask how is it possible to determine if they actually work if you use it? You will find a lot of variables that you probably couldn't tell unless they did several miles per gallon difference. The trouble with shelling out hard-earned money on these products is there are so many things you can do that don't cost you money, which are known to help your gas mileage. You could save on fuel by simply maintaining the appropriate tire pressure which many people don't do. Unless of course you must pay for the air by way of a machine, normally you can get this for free. Even so, people would rather spend thirty times as much on some sort of fuel booster than do a simple thing like that.

It can set you back a little money to replace your air filters regularly, but the benefits will outweigh the cost. By using clean filters, your car probably will be running without needing to burn extra fuel to remain steady. Many people are unaware that doing so can help with fuel efficiency.

Increasing gas efficiency can be done as simply as removing the junk out of your trunk, to making sure that you use the right grade of motor oil. It's also possible to save on gas simply by not using your car's air conditioning. You have lots of inexpensive and totally free options to save on gas, there is no reason to buy a specialized product. It will not seem sensible to spend big money just to save money.

So there you have it. Don't fall for the sales hype before you check out what the product actually is and what it does, otherwise you could end up spending more and saving nothing. Lesson learned.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Even More Ways To Save On Fuel

You might think I'm laboring the point a little, but the reason I go on about fuel prices is that for me it's one of my biggest expenses each month. If I can cut this back, it'll make more of a difference to my budget than making numerous other smaller savings elsewhere.

And I doubt I'm the only one who's thinking this way. Many people could be happy not to spend so much but they are not really aware of alternatives to help them save. People spend hard earned cash on items that make daring claims about improving gas mileage only to be ripped off.

While some trade in their current car to something smaller and more fuel-efficient at the cost of room and comfort. There are some super easy ways to use significantly less fuel, and most drivers have never heard of them before. You can plan to save on gasoline without spending any money.

As a matter of fact, you won't find it too difficult to do at all and can be done right away. A particular option is using the cruise control, which some people are probably using already. Cruise control is a common feature in the majority of cars and it works great for driving long distances. You mustn't find yourself procuring a speeding ticket if you use cruise control. You establish the speed you desire in cruise control and it will never go beyond that limit so you don't have to worry about speeding.

When you use cruise control, your vehicle stays at a steady speed so it won't accelerate thus saves on fuel. Automobiles burn off more fuel if you constantly brake and accelerate. Take advantage of cruise control any time you find yourself driving on the open road. The overdrive function is another common option in vehicles that does not get used much. This saves gas by having your engine work much less while driving at maximum speeds. It is best to find out how overdrive is used on your car and use it when you are out on the highway.

If you are like the majority of drivers, you look at your MPH gauge regularly, but do you ever look at the RPM gauge. If you are driving an automobile with a manual transmission, then you should realize that the higher the RPMs the harder the engine is working. To save on fuel, you'll need to be driving at a rate that is as consistent as possible. Another way to save money on fuel is to not make use of your air conditioner because that's one less thing the engine has to worry about.

I suggest you utilize the air conditioner only under severe conditions. As we discussed, there are a few simple things you can do as you are driving to save fuel that won't cost you any money. As opposed to going out and spending money to endeavor to save money, why not do things first that won't cost you any money. The first thing you choose to do doesn't have to be to purchase a costly car, just because it is fuel-efficient.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

OK Then, How About Running Your Car Partly On Water? Is It Feasible?

I admit this one sounds a bit left field, but bear with me if you will.....

A question for you all. Have you ever considered one could use water to help fuel your family car? With hydrogen conversion technology, water can be used as a supplement to gasoline. During this process, Hydroxy or Brown's Gas is actually extracted from water and it is converted to energy for your car. Here's an overview of how it works....

Because the world is within the midst of ever-increasing gas prices, this technology can provide a great relief. Because of this engineering development, is it possible that water will become the next oil?

It's possible that water may ultimately become depleted while others feel it can be profitable. Many environmentalist are aware of the potential for water to be abused just like oil. The Earth may be covered with over 70% water, but only 3% is good enough to be consumed by humans, and two-thirds of this amount is frozen. The main body of water that is out there is sea water so it can't be used for drinking or agriculture. Much like oil, water is now being exploited.

Commercial crops have polluted and contaminated many bodies of water. Drought and thirst are plaguing many countries where their bodies of water are drying up. Glaciers in the north and south poles are melting as a result of the global warming that's caused by the burning of fossil fuels. And this also has generated drastic weather changes like snow in warmer areas of the world to heavy rainfall in typically dry areas. In many regions of the world, including the United States, water has become big business forcing prices to be high. Considering that water is equally as scarce as oil, it might cause more problems than solve.

You will find there's greater issue associated with water, oil and gas so adding water as a supplement can be a problem. Since water is essential to living, actions to ensure its ubiquity is important for everyone. We certainly do not want what is happening in the gasoline industry to happen with water. Since commodity prices tend to take off at any moment, it would be a bad thing for water. Water is now a $500 billion market that includes drinking water, agriculture and waste treatment.

Water is a prerequisite for human life, so a human rights initiative is against privatizing water. Everyone over all classes must have access to clean water. Living is more important than just a car which means that water should not be used to fuel cars. Endeavours ought to be made to ensure that our lives are kept free and not manipulated by big business.