Wednesday 1 February 2012

OK Then, How About Running Your Car Partly On Water? Is It Feasible?

I admit this one sounds a bit left field, but bear with me if you will.....

A question for you all. Have you ever considered one could use water to help fuel your family car? With hydrogen conversion technology, water can be used as a supplement to gasoline. During this process, Hydroxy or Brown's Gas is actually extracted from water and it is converted to energy for your car. Here's an overview of how it works....

Because the world is within the midst of ever-increasing gas prices, this technology can provide a great relief. Because of this engineering development, is it possible that water will become the next oil?

It's possible that water may ultimately become depleted while others feel it can be profitable. Many environmentalist are aware of the potential for water to be abused just like oil. The Earth may be covered with over 70% water, but only 3% is good enough to be consumed by humans, and two-thirds of this amount is frozen. The main body of water that is out there is sea water so it can't be used for drinking or agriculture. Much like oil, water is now being exploited.

Commercial crops have polluted and contaminated many bodies of water. Drought and thirst are plaguing many countries where their bodies of water are drying up. Glaciers in the north and south poles are melting as a result of the global warming that's caused by the burning of fossil fuels. And this also has generated drastic weather changes like snow in warmer areas of the world to heavy rainfall in typically dry areas. In many regions of the world, including the United States, water has become big business forcing prices to be high. Considering that water is equally as scarce as oil, it might cause more problems than solve.

You will find there's greater issue associated with water, oil and gas so adding water as a supplement can be a problem. Since water is essential to living, actions to ensure its ubiquity is important for everyone. We certainly do not want what is happening in the gasoline industry to happen with water. Since commodity prices tend to take off at any moment, it would be a bad thing for water. Water is now a $500 billion market that includes drinking water, agriculture and waste treatment.

Water is a prerequisite for human life, so a human rights initiative is against privatizing water. Everyone over all classes must have access to clean water. Living is more important than just a car which means that water should not be used to fuel cars. Endeavours ought to be made to ensure that our lives are kept free and not manipulated by big business.

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